The statute of extraordinary African chambers: an end to impunity in Africa?
In 2012, the Extraordinary African Chambers (EAC) was established in the Republic of Senegal with the mandate of prosecuting the former Chadian Head of State, Hissene Habre, for eight years of international crimes committed in his country from 1982-1990. The EAC breaks new ground on international criminal justice in Africa in several ways. The Habre trial represents the first trial by an African state of a former head of state of another African state. As the first internationalized tribunal to have been established with the involvement of the African Union, the EAC also provided valuable insight into what a regional
approach to internationalized justice may look like. The Chambers jurisdiction covers genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and torture, setting a precedent as an international criminal tribunal exclusively on the basis of universal jurisdiction. This article looks at a number of legal issues raised by the establishment of the EAC including but not limited to its compositions, jurisdictions, powers and compensation for the victims of human and humanitarian rights abuses.